Form Component
Form is a controlled component that handles field validation and other handy features.
Email Address
<Form>{form => (<><InputWithValidationform={form}isRequiredlabel="Email Address"name="email"/></>)}</Form>
Form render prop
The render prop that the Form component gives you, provides the following object.
{"errors": { // An object with all of the form's errors"email": [],},"onBlur": Function,"onChange": Function,"onSubmit": Function,"state": "indeterminate", // Could be `invalid`, `valid` or`indeterminate`"touched": {},"values": {"email": undefined, // An object with all of the input's values},"isValid": false,}
An object that contains some premade validaiton rules you can use with InputWithValidation.
import { FormValidationRules } from "reckon-mobile-design-system";
Available methods include...
- exactLength,
- hasOnlyNumbers,
- isAustralianMobilePhone,
- isDate,
- isEmail,
- isNumber,
- isPhone,
- isRequired,
- maxAmount,
- minAmount,
- maxLength,
- minLength